Patients & Visitors
General Information
Welcome to Renfrew Victoria Hospital. Our mission is to provide the best possible healthcare experience for our patients and their families. In this section of our website, you will find information related to your stay or visit.
Hand Hygiene
Please follow regular hand hygiene practice during your visit. Hand sanitizers are located throughout the hospital – please clean your hands as soon as your enter, before and after eating, before entering and when leaving a patient room, and just before leaving the hospital. This is for your safety as well as patients and staff.
Smoke free / Scent free

In order to protect the health and well-being of patients, visitors, staff, physicians and volunteers, the RVH campus including buildings, grounds and parking lots is a smoke-free, scent-free environment.
We're also committed to providing a scent-reduced environment in consideration of those who may have serious reactions. Please do not wear perfume, scented hairspray, cologne, scented deodorant, aftershave or other scented products.
Patients are encouraged to leave their personal electronics/devices (e.g., cellphones, iPads/tablets, laptops, etc.) at home or with family and friends for safekeeping. Renfrew Victoria Hospital will not be responsible should you choose to bring your device and it is lost, stolen or damaged in any way.